It's a topic I've discussed a lot lately over at Y3B. The perfectionist in me wants to get every detail right but the free spirit in me wants to have fun and follow my passions. It's a constant struggle many of us face. Luckily, I've met some folks to help me remember the stuff that brings me closer to where I really want to be (while enjoying every step of the way)...
Nom nom.
(BTW, I make an awesome vanilla flan...
And my cheesecake flan is no slouch either - YUM!)
Through what felt like serendipity at play, I met Stacy Reck of the Dessert First Blog on Twitter and boy has it put our mission into focus. While the concept of dessert first is not unique to her, Stacy is possibly the most authentic person speaking about her subject matter of choice. She is living proof of why we all need to "have dessert first" in our lives.
Will you break some rules and have dessert first with us? I sure hope so!