I've noticed quite a few of the majority of our audience, which consists of inspirational mommies and family-first bloggers, is involved in some sort of online or WFM (Work From Home) business. As such, I figured I would share a few quick tips on how to grow your audience organically... Without spamming.
I'd also love some support (likes, tweets, stumbles, and comments particularly), with my Unbounce.com Conversion-Fest 2011 Blogging Contest entry. Again, without spamming.. Tell a friend, better yet, tell 10 friends!
So what the heck does organic growth really mean?
It can mean a lot of things but, for our purposes, organic is synonymous with natural. That means you're not pushing hard on people you don't really know; instead, you leverage your warm connections, your natural market, the people that you keep up with often. Those are the folks that trust, like, and/or respect you most.
In SEO or Inbound Marketing terms, organic growth means you are attracting people and retaining some of the new visitors to your online content. This typically means creating content that is remarkable and significant, from a human and search engine perspective alike. My guest article on Unbounce.com explains more on that, from a technical and people-serving perspective.
The idea is to kill the noise and the busy work that has little returns (the average traditional marketing campaign has less than a 1% conversion rate, BTW). Focus on engaging people, rather than marketing. Be remarkable, create some buzz, and do things that compel, motivate, and inspire others so that they'll WANT to act.
Scott Stratten says something similar in his book, UnMarketing: Stop Marketing. Start Engaging.
(affiliate link), and I would recommend that read!
Now let's see how we can promote things more naturally...
First I would like to say welcome to the world of cloth diapering!!! Now that you have decided to cloth diaper it is time to start looking. Here is a classification, plus definitions of many words that you will be stumbling upon while you start your search for the "right" cloth diaper. To begin here are the definitions. :)
- One Size - one size are simply diapers that grow with the baby. They have layers of snaps or Velcro or some other creative way to start out as small as your baby needs to as big as they can get, if your LO (Little one) is not too big they should fit up the time you need to potty train. Here are some of the brands that I know that come in one size: FuzziBunz, Flip, Sunbaby, GroVia, Rumparooz and Thirsties Duo Diaper.
- Sized- these diapers come in sizes of extra small, small, medium, large and extra large. Once your LO grows out of the size you buy the next one up! :) Here are some that I know of : FuzziBunz (they come in sized and one size), G Diapers, GroVia (come in both sized and one size) Swaddlebees and Kushies.
- Pocket- pocket diapers are diapers that have a cotton (fabric may be different depending on the brand) lining sewed onto the waterproof outside and there is a opening, "pocket", for you to stick an insert in. Some pocket diapers are Swaddlebees, Sunbaby, and Rumparooz.
- Hybrids- hybrids are the diapers that can use not only the normal insert but a disposable insert. Brands: BumGenius and Flip
- WHAM- these are diapers that someone, not a retail, makes at home. There are plenty of patterns that are fallowed and available. You could, if you want to, make your own as well with all sorts of different designs, fabrics and more :)
- Flats- these are what you would call "old fashion" diapers. These are any kind of fabric you want to use (you could even use receiving blankets!) and these would be the simple fold and pin however there are now snappis that you can use. Flats that are most common are the Gerber Prefolds.
- Covers- they are exactly that. You would use the flats, and maybe and insert if you like, and simply put the cover over them. Some brands that I know of are Gerber, Thirsties and Bumkins.
- Inserts- Inserts are layers of cloth that are be sewn together, does not have to be, that you would put in the babies diaper to give that extra absorbancy. Ones that I know of are Prefolds, Gerber Prefolds, Microfiber, Hemp, cotton, receiving blanket, really anything you want to use!!!
- Stash- this is a word to describe your collection of cloth diapers
- Flip Diapers- this has its' own point because this is, besides the covers themselves, are the only diapers that I know of that are a cover that has snaps and grows with the baby. It is not a pocket diaper. With this one you simply put in an insert in, when you go to change the baby you take the insert out wipe out the cover, put in a new insert and re-use the cover.
Here are some things you should think of while looking for your cloth diaper:
- Do you want sized or one size?
- What kind of insert would you like to use?
- Do you want a pocket diaper or just a cover?
- Do you want to use prefolds?
- How often do you want or are able to do laundry? (this will determine how big of a stash you will need)
- Do you want snaps or Velcro?